Monday, 25 June 2012

20 Ways To Own Your Happiness In 2012 Part 2

As promised i'll be bring to you part 2 of my own your happiness in 2012 series. Happiness is a relative term as if has different connotations to everyone. So in bearing that in mind here goes part 2:

11. Stop being idle.

12. Stop thinking you're not ready.

13. Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons.

14. Stop rejecting new realtionships just because old ones didn't work.

15. Stop trying to compete against everyone else.

16. Stop being jealous of others.

17. Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself.

18. Stop holding grudges .

19. Stop letting others bring you down to their level.

20. Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others.

And there goes my 20 steps to finding and owning your happiness...I hope that this can assist someone in some way out there.....till my next blog post.....find and own you happiness in 2012 ....Ciao:) 

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